Reminder! Baby Music Classes Begin!
Beginning Sept. 16th – TOMORROW!
Music Classes in Fishtown continue! Sign up.
Hello all of you music lovers! Just a reminder that music classes will start up again tomorrow. Classes this Fall will be held on Tuesdays at 9am and 10am and Wednesdays at 10am. You can email, call or text to sign up for monthly sessions at $10/class. Let me know your time and day preference (and alternative availability). I’ll be scheduling to ensure classes are lively and fun, yet small enough to keep our class sizes intimate and interactive. Classes will be held so long as there are at least 4 children per class. As always, remember there are flexible makeup options in the event you and your child have to miss a class.
Can’t sign up? Feel free to DROP IN this Fall at $15/class – please email phillymusicbabies@gmail.com, or call or text (215)520-1772 to check class availability before stopping by.
Keep in touch by following Philly Music Babies on facebook and Phillymusicbabe on twitter. There you can find class scheduling, updates, and Saturday makeup/drop-in class announcements!
Thank you, hope to see you!
Claire “Coco”
P.S. If anyone can’t make the regular weekday times, I would like to offer a drop-in Saturday class this coming weekend and/or the following. Please email me with interest.
Check out our websites for more information: Phillymusicbabies.com andPhillymusiclessons.com