Upcoming Baby and Tots Schedule
December Music Class Schedule
This month, classes will be held on Wednesdays at 10 AM and select Saturdays at 10 AM. Please note that there will be no Wednesday class on the 30th, but all other Wednesdays will be held. If you ever want to check in on the schedule (especially as winter weather approaches), bookmark our calendar. It will display up-to-date class schedules and canceled classes. Here are the dates currently listed in December for Philly Music Babies:
Wednesday the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
Saturday the 5th, 12th, and 19th
You can also find Philly Music Babies updates on Facebook and Twitter. Check out what we’ve been up to!
To attend our baby music program, just stop by during scheduled times. Music classes are $10 each with a package, or $15 to drop-in (first time free). Packages start at 5 classes ($50), or 12 classes ($100). You can purchase a package/punch card at class with credit card, cash, or check. You can also email to have an invoice sent, and pay online using Paypal.
Regular weekday goers, you get a FREE CLASS when you attend all of the Wednesdays in a month! Same goes for Saturday folks with weekend dates (indicate your preferred day when you purchase a punch card to get those freebies!)