2016 Baby and Tots Music Classes

2016 Baby and Tots Music Classes

baby music winterNew Class Time Starting February 2016!

We’ll continue our weekly Wednesday gatherings at 10 AM. Please get in touch if you plan to attend as a regular that day. It helps us to keep loose track of numbers so we can maintain intimate classes. Currently, Wednesdays are almost full! But the good news is (especially for those still taking multiple naps), we have a new baby music time starting in February at noon on Thursdays. Join us in Fishtown for some weekly music, ages 0-3 years.

If you haven’t yet stopped by for a class, you can give it a whirl for free your first time. Come, test the waters and make sure its a good fit! These are casual, weekly music classes, where babies as little as 4 months sit in mom’s, dad’s, or caregiver’s, lap while Coco leads the classes on guitar and vocals. For the toddlers, circle games, props, and a variety of musical instruments offer engaging musical exploration. Traditional kids songs become recognizable to weekly kids, allowing them to learn and eventually sing along with our tunes. They also gain a wealth of neighborhood friends! Over the months, new songs are introduced slowly to expand their growing musical ears. Our classes tend to be small, anywhere from 5-10 kids. To keep it this way, we ask that you try to RSVP by emailing coco (especially for our scheduled Saturday music classes), as weekends can get busy in the winter.


Philly Music Lessons specializes in connecting students of all ages and skill levels with great teachers in the Philadelphia and Main Line areas.